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Frequency Studio YGN - Home Studios @ mainroom

Frequency Studio YGN studio photos

Frequency Studio YGN
Location: Myanmar, Yangon
Est: 2016
Service: Recording , Mixing, Mastering and Audio Engineering Tution
Gear: Pro Tools 12 HD, StudioLive AR16, AUD Aopollo , Warm TB 12 , Warm 76 , Faderoprt 8, Roland TD 1 Drum, Boss GT 100 , LTD Guitar , Ibanez, KORG KROME
Price: Mixing - 1 per song - 50$
WebSite: http://mixingwithleomicro.com
If you want to make Mixing and Mastering with me Connect to me .
I am working together with Locl Famous Band , Artists , and Player .
You can see my gallery , The Famous Artists from Myanmar (Burma) .

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