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Welcome Message studio photos
Location: mainroom
Welcome to mainroom
International Recording Studios Catalog!

When I was working on the first version, I could never imagine it would go so well. Turns out, there are other studio-geeks like me thumbsup

It went so well, and I received so many studios in the first few weeks, that it became obvious - I have to build something more decent than what we had before.
Unfortunately it wasn't possible on WordPress engine, so I had to move everything to a new CMS, and with that, manually resubmit each studio again.... smile

More importantly, you can now promote your commercial studio through mainroom, as it will serve you as the best advertisement on the whole internet,
because from now on, mainroom is not just a gallery site, it is actual International Recording Studios Catalog.

Many interesting features will be added when we grow bigger; In the end, along with "gallery site", the idea is to have a resource where you can come and instantly locate a studio service that suits your needs.

Welcome Message

If you're a studio owner and your studio is already listed, you can gain access to edit your page; for that you need to register and send me your registered email address.
I will verify it and give you the access to edit your page.

This feature is available by default to those who submit their studios under a registered account.
However, some things might not be obvious to you if you never used CMS with BBCodes before... I want each page to look as much beautiful as possible, therefore you can always contact me if you want to update your studio's page, and I will do it for you. wink

(13 votes)
30 009 / 5


  1. Me2

    glad you dump wordpress, guitarhero
    for me its better now, thanks for this site.
    good luck for the future headphones
    22 May 2013 19:20 replyquote * * * * *
  2. inetryconydot

    Hello! I really liked your forum, especially this section. I just signed up and immediately decided to introduce myself, if I'm wrong section, ask the moderators to move the topic to the right place, hopefully it will take me well... My name is Jack, me 34 years, humourist and serious man in one person.
    2 August 2013 16:26 replyquote * * * * *
  3. Altilev

    So which is this new CMS you're using now ?
    4 June 2014 03:11 replyquote * * * * *
  • smilewinknoyesthumbsupfriendslaugh