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Blue Tree Recording - Professional Studios @ mainroom

Blue Tree Recording studio photos
Blue Tree Recording
Blue Tree Recording
Blue Tree Recording
Blue Tree Recording
Blue Tree Recording
Location: Sint-Martens-Latem, Belgium
Est: 1991
Service: Demo 325 a day, Single/album 350 a day.
Gear: Studer 962, Steinway class C Grand, AEA, Neumann, Schoeps, Bruel&Kjaer and other vintage microphones
Price: 35 euros
WebSite: http://bluetreerecording.com
Looking to record a demo in a day, or do you want to record a single, an EP or a full length album? Need a room big enough for a 40-piece orchestra and the technical assistance to record it? Need a mixing engineer to make it all come together? It's all possible at Blue Tree...

Established for conductor and violinist Rudolf Werthen in 1991, the studio was remodeled in 2014 and has since been home to rock bands, singer/songwriters, and famed musicians such as cellist France Springuel and jazz pianist and composer Jeff Neve.

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