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Kräucher Home Studio - Home Studios @ mainroom

Kräucher Home Studio studio photos
Kräucher Home Studio
Kräucher Home Studio
Kräucher Home Studio
Kräucher Home Studio
Location: Berlin
This is my Home Studio based in Berlin. I've set it up in my bedroom and will produce mainly electro there. But you can also use it for home mastering.. although i must fix the room acustic somehow

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  1. Dave

    What are the specs? (software/hardware) - be specific
    25 August 2014 23:43 replyquote * * * * *
  2. kräucher

    I use Fl Studio as my DAW
    Hardware: 2x Yamaha HS8 with pads, edifier s530d, AKG 518LE, Shure SE215 miditech midistart music 25, Akai LPD 8, Steinberg UR22, Shure SM58, AKG C1000s and a bunch microphones more..

    and i use only cordinal cables
    28 August 2014 23:27 replyquote * * * * *
  3. Jack

    Hey could you please tell me how you connected UR22 and miditech midistart music 25 to each other, I mean specifically midi input/output? Or did you connect your miditech directly to your pc via usb instead of UR22? My miditech is not recognized by cubase 7 somehow when I try to install it in cubase or try to record something :-/
    14 January 2015 00:04 replyquote * * * * *
  4. kräucher

    Its connected via usb to my computer, works fine with my daw...
    20 January 2015 23:19 replyquote * * * * *
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