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Verba Home Studio - Home Studios @ mainroom

Verba Home Studio studio photos
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Verba Home Studio
Location: Belarus
Est: 2013
Roland Quad-Capture

Roland DS-5
Audio-Technica ATH-M50
8-inch speakers from Aiwa old stereo as subwoofer smile

Rode NT1
Alphard ET-24ST
Shure SM58
M-Audio Aries
Rode PSA1
the t.bone Micscreen

Acoustic Threatment
Studio Desk

little additions:
Second monitor to record inside the booth or remote recording vocals

(6 votes)
17 581 / 12


  1. SAiNT

    офигенно! вот только зачем там простые спикеры? no
    и пожалуйста, добавь больше фото

    this is awesome! but why would you put those pc-speakers? no
    12 December 2013 15:51 replyquote * * * * *
  2. mezantos

    простые спикеры как шит-контроль smile

    pc-speakers as shit-control smile
    13 December 2013 07:40 replyquote * * * * *
  3. SAiNT

    very good practice. i've read about it somewhere... if memory not fails me, it was in Michael Stavrou's book.

    great studio! glad to have it here friends
    13 December 2013 14:10 replyquote * * * * *
  4. mezantos

    Thanx ) Glad to post my studio on Ur site smile
    13 December 2013 19:40 replyquote * * * * *
  5. Fábio - GreenAfter.com.br

    Congratulations! Great Studio!!
    What these studiofloam board name? They have legs with wheels for setup changing?
    16 January 2014 14:41 replyquote * * * * *
  6. mezantos

    This diy studiofloam boards. They have legs without wheels, but with felt pads to avoid scratching the floor. Each of them weighs 18 kg, is not exactly easy, but bearable) I can move them around the room and record voice or something else without audible reverberation.
    18 January 2014 21:23 replyquote * * * * *
  7. John

    Awesome studio man!
    Where's the wallpaper from?
    3 February 2014 19:24 replyquote * * * * *
  8. D.Menthol

    Hello, I'm sorry to bother you, but may I ask if there is a hum present in your quad-capture (only) when you turn on the hi-z switch? I can't find any solutions regarding this (it seems to be an internal problem with mine). Thanks in advance!
    11 March 2014 01:44 replyquote * * * * *
  9. mezantos

    Hi. Yes, hum is present on analog out, but on headphones out no hum. Unfortunately, I can not check whether there is hum when the guitar is connected, I record only voice. I use digital out for monitors. Maybe You use unbalanced commutation (my connection to sub unbalanced), try balanced, if the equipment allows.
    13 March 2014 20:04 replyquote * * * * *
  10. Dash

    I have the same background :D
    19 December 2014 09:41 replyquote * * * * *
  • smilewinknoyesthumbsupfriendslaugh