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Unreal Studio - Professional Studios @ mainroom

Unreal Studio studio photos
Unreal Studio
Unreal Studio
Unreal Studio
Unreal Studio
Unreal Studio
Unreal Studio
Unreal Studio
Location: Athens, Greece
Est: 2000
Service: Recording, Mixing, Editing, Videogames, Limbo Dancing
Gear: Lots
Price: 30 euro
WebSite: http://unrealstudioz.com
We are nerds. Sound Nerds. We love our job, we never get bored, and everyone and everything ( including us) is a guinea pig for a new idea or a new technique. We are best at recording bands. That's our thing. We love all kinds of metal, rock, classical music and stuff that has weird instruments. We like recording and mixing the old fashioned way. Different mics, drum tuning, big console, live recording ( if appropriate), stuff like that. We never settle for anything less, and we never record stuff with without listening and deciding whats best for that particular type of music. Sure, it takes more time than your average "copy-paste-preset studio" but we never said we are the right studio for everybody.


(9 votes)
8 467 / 2


  1. SAiNT

    I like how you surrounded your workplace with desks. with a great chair you can reach about anything in seconds yes thumbsup
    14 June 2013 22:42 replyquote * * * * *
  • smilewinknoyesthumbsupfriendslaugh