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Tweakheadz Guide to the Home and Project Studio - Docs / Articles @ mainroom

Tweakheadz Guide to the Home and Project Studio studio photos
Location: mainroom
How to put together a less expensive Recording Studio that Rivals Professional Studio Sound.

The Guide is a series of articles. It starts with the core basics of modern music technology and progresses through advanced concepts of studio production.

There are approximately 75 classes.

(7 votes)
18 267 / 3


  1. Me2

    nice guide, well done yes
    23 May 2013 19:48 replyquote * * * * *
  2. Mario McPherson

    I'm building up my studio, but now I'm going to get lessons os Mixdown and mastering, I need some guidline what are the best equipment I'm gona need to start mastering.
    Rehgards M McPheson
    12 August 2017 23:06 replyquote * * * * *
  • smilewinknoyesthumbsupfriendslaugh