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Hans Zimmer interviews and studio tour - Docs / Videos @ mainroom

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German-born composer Hans Zimmer is recognized as one of Hollywood’s most innovative musical talents.

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  1. SAiNT

    Hans Zimmer is the best. I wish they were shooting more decent movies for this guy :)) something you can put your hearth into, like the Last Samurai.
    8 May 2013 22:51 replyquote * * * * *
  2. Kristjan Stopar -PhD student Italy

    My name is Kristjan Stopar and i'm a PhD student at the University of Udine (Italy). The International PhD in Audiovisual Studies that I've recently begun, includes the writing of a dissertation in three years, and the subject in my case would be the research and analysis of Hans Zimmer's cinematographic works. Given the subject who works in Hollywood and Santa Monica, and along with the University of Udine, I set a study period of about two months in Los Angeles during the summer of 2014.

    I have also done some preliminary online research about the composer, and I came across this interesting interview with the composer. In this regard I would like to ask you how you managed to get in direct contact with Zimmer for the interview. For my PhD thesis, in fact, it would be a really wonderful and extraordinary thing to have a direct contact with the composer during my stay in Los Angeles. So maybe that is asking too much, but I try anyway.

    Really Hoping not to have overly bothered, I remain of course at your disposal and waiting for an answer.

    A friendly greeting

    Kristjan Stopar
    20 December 2013 01:25 replyquote * * * * *
  3. JP

    Please correct the info of the article about him.
    He was never a member of the group The Buggles:
    "Film composer Hans Zimmer makes a brief appearance in the video."
    from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Buggles

    They all never mention Hans Zimmer as being part of the group.
    3 May 2021 06:44 replyquote * * * * *
  4. RCX

    I have to admit I am very jealous that you got a first-hand tour of Zimmers studio in Santa Monica by none other than the man himself. I could never do such an interview, I would be running around asking him is that a such and such, and start fiddling with everything. I would like to know if he books time there and how I would get in touch with the staff to do so. Also, when you wanted to hear the score of Sherlock Holms, at first he said they had just given everything to the studio. But the next thing I knew there was this huge screen in front of you guys playing the film while Hanz Played the piano. So is there a big screen that comes out of nowhere? If so, super awesome but I'd expect no less. I enjoyed your interview, it felt more like you were a long time friend and you knew what he did for a living but this was the first time he had you over to the studio, your enthusiasm was met with a child-like interest in showing you what he did, to the point where that huge screen came out of nowhere and Hanz was playing piano saying " I gave Sherlock a tune but John didn't get one. Thanks again.

    4 August 2021 01:25 replyquote * * * * *
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